Its that time of year again.
Is it me, or does the real power and meaning of Christmas get more and more drowned every year in the wave consumerism?
What we want for Christmas, what we're giving, what we're doing, what we're eating and drinking.
Does anyone stop to think why?
Its about Christ. Jesus Christ. The Saviour of the world. Son of God. Who gave up His divinity in Heaven, where He could have stayed forever, so that He could restore the relationship between God and man and give us back our true identity. So that things could still be as God originally intended.
Its about the God who made the universe humbling Himself to become a vulnerable baby so that He could save us.
Its the greatest gift ever given. No wonder we give gifts. No wonder we celebrate. No wonder people feel like there's a new hope for the future.
That's because the real meaning of Christmas is God loving us so much He gave us the greatest gift ever. His own Son. A gift we didn't deserve and can never repay.
The real meaning of Christmas gives us more reason to celebrate, more reason to give, and more reason to have hope than any tradition or consumer dream.
Lets celebrate and enjoy this Christmas, but remembering its true meaning and significance, not allowing both tradition and the consumer dream to take over.
Real Christmas, real celebration, real hope.